Friday, October 14, 2011

Finding Our Way

Here in the South we pride ourselves on hospitality. Usually you get a good morning, How ya’ll doin or come back real soon. Meals are big and so are our hearts. If you are lost, most of the time you can pull over and ask a complete stranger for directions, even if you happen to venture in the wrong side of town. For the most part, people around here will sincerely try to help you.
I say that to say this. A little over 5 years ago I was lost, wandering through life with no plan. I wasted a few years and had no true direction. One person changed that completely. She was crazy enough to hop on the back of a motorcycle on a frigid January night and she hasn’t let go yet. I had just happened upon her one night in the midst of my disaster of a so-called life and she pointed me in the right direction.
Now like most people that give you directions, they aren’t always clear, you kind of have to guess a little along the way. I don’t think she was prepared for how things were going to go. I knew then that she would be the one that could keep me going forward, but she definitely wasn’t ready for that. Eventually she embraced that role and she has been there for me ever since. We have had our ups and downs in such a short period, but I don’t know what I would do without her. She has been my rock and my guiding light! She has forgiven when others would condemn. She has been there for me when things haven’t worked out like we thought they would and she has pushed me to get back up after I have been knocked down.
Life’s struggles wear us down but together we push through it. Together we try to be loving and caring parents for our two amazing kids! We try to stretch things out to be able to give them the things they want. She has sacrificed more than I can say for me and our family. We try to comfort each other when things don’t go our way. Times get tough, money runs out but she is always there. I needed that in my life and hopefully the struggles will ease but the love and comfort will get stronger.The truth of the matter is that she is not just the light but she is my guide. I could not go through life without her by my side. She is my world, a fact that I probably don’t show her enough or tell her either. When I think about the future she is right there, when I make a decision, she is the deciding factor. She is truly my better half. And as long as she will light the way I will keep her close and walk the path that she takes us down!  We haven’t got there yet, but we are in the right direction!
To 5 years past and many, many more to come…. Happy Anniversary

Monday, March 21, 2011


When I woke up this morning I thought certain things would take place as usually do on a typical Monday. I woke up a little later than usual which happens too often, so it should be called the usual. I took the trash out as is now my Monday and Thursday morning tradition, as to keep the peace in my house. I pulled up to the Railroad tracks going out of my neighborhood behind a minivan that belongs to my somewhat neighbor and dear co-worker. I started to gesture to her, I poke at her at work because she hardly ever sees anyone on the road, but this morning I held back for some unknown reason, maybe it was too early…
I stopped to get gas before I came in to the office; $15 just doesn’t cut it in a late model Chevy truck with a way too big engine. I started my typical morning routine; quote of the day, email and check the news. Nothing out of the ordinary but then I pulled out my phone and checked Facebook. I haven’t paid much attention to it all weekend so there was a lot of “junk” to sift through. But as I was perusing my news feed I noticed a comment on someone’s wall, someone offering prayers for their loss.
The wall belonged to my co-worker, the one I had seen this morning. I hadn’t heard anything, maybe a friend or a distant relative. So I clicked on her wall and read through the comments. Here wall was covered with prayers and condolences but nothing telling of what had transpired. Then someone mentioned a name and my heart dropped. The name was her Husband’s but I had thought that maybe someone else near to her family bore the same name. So I went to her boss’s office and checked in. She told me the tragic news. I sank into shock. To be honest I’m not real close to her or her family but from time to time we talk and converse on personal matters, enough to know about her daughters and for me to tell her about my growing family. I knew her husband well enough to speak if I saw him and I know he and their two daughters were extremely close. Immediately my thoughts went to them.
How do we deal with such a loss? As a Husband I can’t imagine losing my wonderful wife. I can’t think about what would happen to her and my kids if something happened to me. I haven’t dealt directly with a loss this severe. Death is inevitable but you come to expect time. We forget how fragile time is. Through petty arguments and not appreciating the moments you share with your loved ones we turn our heads on the fact that time is limited. How many times have you hung up on someone, went to sleep angry or even drove off after an argument? That might be the last you ever see that person, hear their voice or feel their touch. How many times have you said not now or just a minute. That precious moment might be the last.
I don’t want to be a downer, just the opposite. I just to want show a little perspective. The loss of life is tragic and devastating especially when it is sudden. I have experienced this from a distance but never first hand. What is the best way to console a person, what can you say or do when their world has shattered?
This morning I saw her and something kept me from making some wild gesture. Was that divine interference? I think it was. God works in mysterious ways and this morning he helped me keep foot out of mouth. Now through her family and friends he helps console her and her two daughters. So if you are reading this please send out your prayers and thoughts for the Donaho family. They need all of the love and support in this tough time of loss.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Useless Bumbling

It's been a short while since my first post and a list of things a mile long have happened. I'll hit the basics and then get into detail... This is where you sigh!

First off, Cristin and baby #2 are still going strong... Still hoping he arrives a bit early but who knows. As long as he gets here before the first of the year(tax break). Man, I feel old even saying that! We finally got fabric to make the crib set! Yay... Pregnant women and their decisions! Cara is a mess and she knows it. She is growing to fast and getting too tall. All of her clothes fit but are too tall! And whoever puts commercials on Nick and Disney are the DEVIL! She know every toy and exactly what it does, and can recite every word from the 30 -60 seconds of advertising hell!

Secondly, Fall TV has started. We have picked a wide variety of shows to watch this season and there are still more that we aren't watching that I would like to! I'm a tv junkie for those of you who don't know. I had to say goodbye to my final summer show "The Glades" on Sunday. Great show... Can't wait for season 2. Now the rundown...(If you care nothing about tv skip 7 paragraphs down!)

No Ordinary Family was decent in its first episode and it should get better. It's got Michael Chiklis and Julie Benz... I mean that sells me right there. And for all you Twi-Hards Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper Hale is going to be on there for most of the season.

The Event has disappointed me greatly. I could write a whole post on the downfalls of this show but I'll make it short and sour. They filled mine and millions of other people's minds that this was going to fill a gap that was left by LOST. Not even close. Three episodes in and it has been a waste of my 8pm time slot.

Sons of Anarchy... I'm a fan... I won't lie. This season has started off slow and it hasn't had the same bang as the previous ones have had. It's building up though and I hope that it starts picking up the pace.

S#!@ My Dad Says... The first ep was 30 minutes of hilarity! I laughed through the whole thing. Although my Dad would prob disagree with me since I also spent the entire time we watched The Hangover in a semi-fetal position and he hated it. But beside the point. William Shatner has finally found a place in my heart... Chris Pine is James T. Kirk now!

Now my favorite show of the Fall so far... Hawaii 5-0... I never watched original... Not one Episode. I didn't relate the theme song to the show until the first ep this season. Never knew that is where book 'em Danno came from either. But the show has a good story line and the characters are GREAT! Grace Park, Scott Caan, Alex O'loughlin and Daniel Dae Kim. I'm not going to say it's a perfect show but is enjoyable.

Now there are a ton of other shows that we have watched but I feel like I'm rambling.

Now a couple of rants that I have before I get into what I really got on here to talk about.
Ole Miss - fans are hyping the team and there offense. Reality of the situation if that player for Kentucky would've held on to the play the Rebels would've lost Saturday.

Miss. State - I'm super pumped about the attendance and the atmosphere in Starkville. I'm willing to bet come December some major expansions will start happening @ Davis Wade Stadium! But on the downside. There are 2 spots State is improving in. The running backs and O-line. The Defense started the year strong and they are just coasting through. But neither QB has really shown anything. I had high hopes for them and the QB situation but it looks like State is back in the same ol' boat. But I still say they will go to a bowl game this year!

LSU - Fire Les Miles! Yes he has put winning teams out there but he has had some great players and awesome assistants! But he is a blundering idiot!

Now as anyone that even remotely knows me will know that I am a movie FREAK! I'm a sucker for a comic book movie. I'm super pumped about Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern and counting down the days until June. But what made me geek out on Cloud 9 most recently is The Man of Steel! Warner Bros. has put Chris Nolan in charge of the installment of Superman but not as the director, more of a Godfather like role. I mean after what he did with The Dark Knight, I will attribute a lot of the films success to Heath Ledger, he has been the "Golden Boy" for DC and Warner Bros. But who he has brought in to direct The Man of Steel is Zack Snyder. Snyder is tailor made for this and I'm pumped that he is the man on this movie! He did awesome work with Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchmen and I think with the way he shoots and tells a story the The Man of Steel will do better than The Dark Knight! Now as far as who would don the Red and Blue(which I hope they update a lot better than Superman Returns) I have a wish list as do tons of other people! For now I'm just ecstatic that things are progressing as fast as they are!
This movie though we will have to wait until Christmas 2012

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First of Many

Well hello there,

I'm more than likely talking to blank space and white noise than real people but it's worth a try.

I want to get this out of the way from the get go. I did get my degree in Journalism but in Journalism you have copy editors that have your back. This is me in raw form sometimes on the run, so there will be grammar issues and other mistakes. Just a disclaimer before the lynching starts!

The main reason I'm starting this is because I have a lot of thoughts and ideas. So other than my three year old little girl, my wife and my boss noone else gets to enjoy the true brilliance that I can bring to the table! (yeah right) So I thought I would share some of them with you and see what you think.

Secondly, we live around 2 hours from our family so I thought this would be a good way to keep the up to date on the happenings in the "Big City"!

So just to catch everyone up on where I'm sitting right now, not literally but you get the picture.
We have lived in the Jackson Area for about 2 years. We like it, for the most part. Our aspiration is to have a big house out in the woods and try to do the farm thing. I hate having neighbors so close they can hear me snore.(no offense to our neightbors, they have been great!) I just like to have a little room and when I go outside in the middle of the night in my boots and boxers with a shotgun, noone is around to think I'm too crazy.

As far as my job goes.... I work for "blah" and they gave me a license to "blah." Best part of that movie... But no, I work in Public Relations for a State Agency. I love my job but as with all government it could use a few tweeks. One day in the not so distant future I hope to be far away from politics in any form but until then, here I am.

As you might read on here in the future I am a Movie lover! I will watch just about anything not saying that I will enjoy it but I will watch. I have a very eclectic taste in movies and some people have questioned my "man-card" when it comes to it. I live for college football and will tell the tv what I think at every opportunity!

My true enjoyment doesn't come from my job or things, but from my family. I have a beautiful wife that has stuck with me for these past few years through tough times and worse. She got me through college and even though she cooks very similarly like my Granny ;) she tries real hard to keep me happy. My biggest smile comes from the hug I get from my 3 yr old little girl when I get home everyday. Poor thing though, she looks a lot like me and I pray every day that she grows out of it. Ha!  We're counting down the days til December when our new addition to the family will be here! Hopefully he'll decide to be a little early, but not too early. My motto - "If you're on time you're late and if you're early, you're on time."

Well for now I got the first one out of the way. It was a bit rambly but you get the idea.

Have a good one,